Thursday, October 2, 2014

Akron Empire Favorites: Favorite Group or Organization

Akron Empire Favorites 2014: Favorite Group or Organization
by Brit Charek

We asked our readers to tell us their favorite things to do in the Empire, and you responded with amazing ideas-- some of our own old favorites, and some things new to us that we're excited to check out!

We've been rolling out the winners one category a week-- Click HERE to see the categories we've already covered.

This week, we're announcing your Favorite Group or Organization!

Sorry, guys. DDPP (short for Dance Dance Party Party) is a girls only club. I love DDPP so much that it was one of my very first blog posts when we launched Akron Empire back in 2012! Click HERE to see that post again.

DDPP is still going strong! They meet on the first, third and fifth Fridays of each month at the Martel School of Dance in Highland Square. It's an awesome way to get a fun workout, as long as you follow the three simple rules: No booze, no boys, and no judgement.

For more information, check out their website or find them on Facebook!

2. Countryside Conservancy
The mission of Countryside Convervancy is to "to connect people, food, and land by increasing public awareness of how food and farming impact personal, community, and environmental health, and by inspiring personal commitment to building a resilient, sustainable food culture."

A few summers ago I wrote about CC's monthly Food Swap (click HERE to see that post again!), which is still going strong!

Outside of food swapping, CC does a variety of other things. They run the Farmers' Markets at Howe Meadow and Highland Square, and even a winter market indoors at Old Trail School.

They also host a serious of classes, adorably dubbed Countryside U, where you can learn about anything from how to raise backyard chickens to how to make homemade cheese and bread!

For more information, check out their website.

3. Torchbearers
Torchbearers is a collaboration of Leadership Akron, focused on strengthening the connection between area non-profit organizations and young professionals in the city. One of their many goals is to attract and retain young people in Greater Akron.

They have a variety of different programs that young people can apply for, from Big Brothers and Big Sisters to Intern placements. It's an amazing opportunity for area young professionals-- not just for the volunteer experience, but for the friendships forged along the way!

To learn more about Torchbearers, visit their website.

Honorable Mention: Akron Film & Pixel
We couldn't be more proud of our friends over at Akron Film & Pixel. This has been a big year for them!

Back in July, they opened The Nightlight, Akron's first and only indie movie theater, with help from a grant from the Knight Foundation and a successful crowd sourcing campaign on Kickstarter. Joanna wrote about the theater back when they were about to open. Click HERE to see that post again!

AF&P still holds events and screens films at the Akron Art Museum, but their new space offers an experience every Akronite should seek out! You'd probably pass up The Nightlight if you weren't intentionally looking for it-- it's a 50-seat theater tucked neatly away among the city's storefronts on North High Street, just north of Market.

Inside, you have the opportunity not just to see exclusive indie films, but also to eat locally sourced snacks (and thankfully they consider Jeni's ice cream local enough!), choose from a fine selection of beers brewed within the city limits, or indulge on a film-themed cocktail from the bar. (If you happen to be going this weekend, you absolutely must try the Tigermilk, a delicious dessert-like cocktail which is a reference to an album made by the director of God Help The Girl's band, Belle & Sebastian.)

To see what's playing, check out their website.

Stay tuned next week to see more of your #AEfaves2014!

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