Akron Empire would once again like to thank guest blogger J Hudson for contributing. He wrote about the origins of Crafty Mart back in November (click here to see that post) and about the Blue Door Cafe & Bakery last December (click here to check out that post again). Thanks again for contributing, J, and we look forward to seeing more posts from you in the future!
Hudson Area Artist Sets out to Meme the World
Hudson Area Artist Sets out to Meme the World
by J Hudson
Whether it's Grumpy Cat, Boromir or Futurama Fry, if
you've spent even a few minutes online, you've probably encountered and even
helped spread a meme. A meme is defined by Merriam Webster's dictionary, as "an
idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a
culture." Online memes are usually a photo with a funny caption that get
reposted or forwarded from friend to friend in e-mails. Memes usually occur
spontaneously: someone creates a funny post and it gets forwarded and forwarded
again in the cyber equivalent of a germy handshake. But now Hudson artist Justin
Crowe has created a project he calls Meme the World (MTW) in which he seeks to
create and document a meme from scratch.
Crowe's MTW Project's goal is to distribute coffe mugs
to people around the world. Each mug has a photo of a kitten holding up a framed
sign with the words, "Meme the World!" and instructions printed on the bottom
that read:
1) Use cup,
2) Photograph your
3) Upload your photos
4) Pass the mug to a new
MTW participants then upload their
photos of their experience to the MTW
archiving their involvement along with hundreds or thousands of others. The MTW
site already has a few dozen photos of people posing with the MTW mug, or the
MTW mug in places like coffee shops and on the cobblestone streets of London.
The MTW Participants can then follow the trail of their cup using unique cup
identification tags as it is passed forward, photographed, pass forward,
photographed, and passed forward again.
MTW is in the early stages and
Crowe is currently raising money for the project through crowd sourcing on
Kickstarter. According to the MTW
Kickstarter page, Crowe "believe(s) in the cultural value of creativity. MTW
archives ideas & experiences through the sharing of a simple object: The
Coffee Mug." But most of all, Crowe says, MTW is about fun. "This is an art
piece that aims to collect photographs of participant's diverse ideas, cultures,
and environments in one place where everyone is connected by a shared
Crowe has raised about $1500
toward the required $5000 on Kickstarter. You can donate as little as you want,
but with a $25 donation you'll receive a MTW mug that's been up cycled from a
second hand store. For $30 you'll get a handmade mug from Crowe, who has a BFA
in ceramics and primarily works in clay. For $35 donation, you'll get two MTW
mugs, one to keep and one to send off into the world. There are also business
sponsorships available and art for sale on the site by Crowe and other
For more information about the
Meme The World project, visit the MTW website (http://memetheworld.com) or Kickstarter fundraising site
(http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/882963751/meme-the-world )
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